‘Laconia Mayors Symposium,’ Feb. 20, 2018

LACONIA — Six Laconia mayors from the 1960s to the present will participate in a “Laconia Mayors Symposium” at the Laconia Public Library on Tuesday, Feb. 20, at 7 p.m. The event will be held in Rotary Hall on the lower level of the Library, under the auspices of the Laconia Historical and Museum Society.

These mayors have served the city in a tradition begun with Charles Busiel and the Laconia City Charter of 1893. Although Laconia eventually chose a city manager form of government, the mayor has continued to influence many of the inner workings of the municipality.

Among the mayors expected to be present are Rod Dyer, Karl Reitz, Paul Fitzgerald, Michael Seymour, Matt Leahy, and Ed Engler. Each participant will be given an opportunity to review his years in office while focusing on accomplishments and some personal hopes for the City. A Q&A will be held following the discussion. The event is expected to last just over an hour.

The program is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.

For further information, contact LHMS at 527-1278, [email protected] or go to www.laconiahistory.com.
