Presidential Visits to Laconia’ program set for Feb. 19

The Laconia Historical and Museum Society will present “Presidential Visits to Laconia” at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, February 19, at Rotary Hall in the lower level of the Laconia Public Library.

Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon are just a few of the U.S. Presidents who visited Laconia during their political careers. To commemorate Presidents Day, LHMS will share tales, photos, and memorabilia from many of those visits, including three or four minutes of two local Presidential speeches.

According to Pat Tierney, executive director, “These words were shared with our community at the New Hampshire Veterans Association in the Weirs as well as the Lodge at Gunstock during Laconia visits.”

The visits “were well chronicled by the media yet our audience might be surprised by the content. Guess who they were?”

Because of the Presidents Day holiday, this program is being held on a Tuesday, and LHMS programs are now being held a half-hour earlier than formerly, on a trial basis.

Program is free and open to the public and refreshments will be served.

For further information, call 527-1278.
